An interested citizen's view of the possible candidates for the major party nominations for president in 2012.
The sequences in parentheses are my wild guesses about the percentage chance that each of them had monthly, Jan-current month, of getting the nomination.
My principal reaction to each is listed afterword. If you will point out stuff to me I can improve this description over time.
The YAMSLT test can be found here.
AmericansElect may produce a candidate, too. This will make the list more interesting.
Barack Obama (99) I will consider him again, but he is worrying me.
Mitt Romney (25-25-26-24-25-30-30-33-35-35-50-50-60) I would consider him. He continues to run a good solid campaign. Does the right wing want to feel good or have a chance to win?
Newt Gingrich (4-4-4-4-03-03-01-01-1-10-13-33-12) - Newt (with or without the tears) is still Newt. He went way out of bounds on the courts. He fails the YAMSLT.
Rick Perry (x-x-x-x-x-x-06-22-25-30-25-20-10-10) The predicted chance of implosion has been confirmed and recovery is now harder. His wearing his religion on political sleeve is too much for me. He fails the YAMSLT.
Ron Paul (x-x-x-x-01-02-03-05-08-05-04-03-06) The libertarian's delight.
Jon Huntsman (x-x-1-1-01-05-06-01-05-0-3-06) Huntsman has all of his eggs in the NH basket. He is doing what he hoped in New Hampshire but has to hope that Romney stumbles.
May be running for something else- VP or2016 or Americans Elect.(revised Jan 2)
Rick Santorum [resurrected] (x-x-x-01-02-01-01-01-1-1-0-06) - Too far right for me. Fails the YAMSLT.
The candidate's below are (I think) out of the running and barely possible (altogether 1%).
Herman Cain (x-x-x-x-x-x-01-01-1-5-12-0) GWTW
Chris Christie (x-x ... x-x-10-0) GWTW
Michelle Bachman (x-x-x-01-01-10-20-13-20-0) A lightweight. Fails YAMSLT. GWTW
Sarah Palin (20-20-21-16-16-19-3-01-1-1-0) - She is playing games. Fails the YAMSLT.
Tim Pawlenty (05-07-08-16-14-20-25-15-1-1-0) - GWTW
Gary Johnson (x-x-x-x-01-01-01-01-01-01-0) Will highlight the drug prohibition issue.
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